Q: How do I submit an article to the International Journal of Language, Education, and Literature?
A: To submit an article, you must first register. After registering, you must login and click New Submission, then follow the steps below. For more complete guidelines please visit the page:
Q: When I register my account, I don't understand the form in the Affiliation section.
A: Affiliation means the place and name of the university. For example, Makassar State University
Q: I have registered, but I haven't found the "link to download the journal template".
A: To find out how to download the article template, you can directly click on the sidebar menu "download templet".
Q: I've registered, but I can't find the New Submission menu after login.
A: Maybe when you registered, you forgot to check the author menu.
To enable it, please contact our admin via /WA/ 081247525158
Q: How do I know the status of an article that has been submitted?
A: To find out the status of your submitted article, please login and view the status of the article at the link below.
Q: What should I do if I receive a 'Needs Revision' article decision?
A: please refer to the following guidelines: https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1ksoGg2r3F9Ux_-B6mfObDhuG40ichQ9f
Q: How do I upload the revised article?
A: please see the following guide: https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1ksoGg2r3F9Ux_-B6mfObDhuG40ichQ9f
For other questions, please contact our admin via /WA/ 081247525158.