
IJLEL International Journal Language, Education, and Literature is an international peer-reviewed and open-access journal in language education. The aim is to publish conceptual and research articles exploring the application of any language in teaching and the everyday language experience in education. Its scope is international in that it welcomes articles from academics, researchers, graduate students, and policymakers. All articles should be in English.

The scope of the journal: assessment and testing in language learning and education; applied linguistics methodologies and issues; classroom language teaching issues; culture and power in language education; language curriculum development and implementation; effective methods for language teaching; diversity, multiculturalism, and language education; gender, language, and higher education; language skills, development, and issues; language learning and identity; literacy, bilingualism, and bilingual education; and teacher training, gender and equality in language education.

Peer Review Process: The International Journal of Language, Education, and Literature is an international (IJLEL) dedicated to maintaining peer-review integrity and maintaining high review standards. Your manuscript will be single-blind peer-evaluated by independent, anonymous expert referees after the editor has verified its suitability. Review Guidelines for the IJHI are as follows:

Step 1: Editorial Assessment. There are several stages to peer review when submitting your paper to a journal. The journal editor will assess if it is appropriate for the journal at this stage, asking questions like:

  1. Has the author followed the journal's guidelines?
  2. Is this the proper publication for this article?
  3. Will it be interesting and valuable to the journal's readers?

The editor may reject the manuscript immediately; if not, it will proceed to the next stage, peer review.

Step 2: Peer review (first round). The editor will contact possible referees, other researchers, and professors in your field. They will be invited to read your paper and advise the editor on whether or not it should be published in that publication.

Step 3: Revise your work and resubmit it. You can then revise your article considering the reviewers' suggestions and resubmit it with any or all modifications. If the editor believes your edits are insufficient, you may be asked to make additional revisions or reject the manuscript.