Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar en-US Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3025-213X DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNET OF THINGS (IoT) BASED FLOOD EARLY WARNING TOOLS <p style="text-align: justify;">This research is research and development (R&amp;D) using a prototype development model. This research aims to develop an early flood warning system using the Telegram application as an early sender of information, if the water level has reached a predetermined limit. Test results: In terms of Functionality and Usability, the results of the functionality feasibility percentage were 100% and as many as 20 respondents or 100% assessed that the tool developed based on the Usability context was at 100% in the very good category. The detection speed test results show that the detection speed on the device is around 2-3 s and the speed of sending information on Oled is around 2-3 s and the speed of sending information to Telegram is 2-3 s.</p> Rezky Fadilah Ruslan Ruslan Al Imran Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 45 50 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.1508 ANALYSIS OF NETWORKS IN ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS USING FAULT TREE ANALYSIS METHOD IN PLN (PERSERO) UP3 BULUKUMBA ULP PANRITA LOPI <p style="text-align: justify;">Distribution of electricity is often interrupted which can result in the process of distribution of power to the consumer becoming abnormal. Therefore, an analysis of the cause of disturbance of the electricity distribution network needs to be carried out. This research is conducted using the method of Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) because it is an effective method in determining the cause of the disturbance and with the help of Microsoft Exel as well as manual calculations. The results of the research obtained that which is the main factor that causes the occurrence of the disruption in the system of distribution of electric energy in PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Bulukumba ULP Panrita Lopi is due to disruptions in the distribution equipment, animal activity, human activity, material interference, error of installation and nature interferences. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that there are six factors that cause the disturbance of the process of electricity distribution to consumption, then become a priority for PLN based on the percentage of disruption occurred.</p> Riswandi Riswandi Alimuddin Sa'ban Miru Firdaus Firdaus Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 51 59 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.1687 CONSUMER INFORMATION SYSTEM IN WEB-BASED COOPERATIVES: CASE STUDY OF DIRA JAYA SINAR RESKI COOPERATIVE <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to determine the results of the development of consumer information systems at the Dira Jaya Sinar Reski cooperative as well as find out user responses to the system to be developed. This research uses the type of R&amp;D (Research and development) research and prototype development model that uses data collection techniques such as interviews, observations, and questionnaires. Based on the results of the research, a Web-Based Consumer Information System was developed at the Dira Jaya Sinar Reski Cooperative which has been tested using ISO 25010 testing using 8 aspects of testing that have been validated by content experts. The final result of the overall assessment is that the Consumer Information System at the Web-Based Dira Jaya Sinar Reski Cooperative was declared valid by the validator lecturers, and declared effective based on functional suitability aspects, and declared practical based on user responses that have been tested from the usability aspect.</p> Fathin Kartika Fathin Saharuddin Saharuddin Fathahillah Fathahillah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 60 71 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.1507 DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN ANDROID-BASED FERTILIZER ORDERING APPLICATION IN THE BANGKALA REGION <p style="text-align: justify;">In the Bangkala Region of Jeneponto Regency, farmers continue to depend on the conventional system for the fertilizer ordering process. This system results in inefficiencies and consumes the time of both sellers and buyers. We require an Android-based fertilizer ordering system that integrates directly with the server. The objective of this study is to develop an Android-based application for ordering fertilizer in the Bangkala region. This application was developed using the Research and Development (R&amp;D) methodology and the <em>waterfall</em> development model. The results of this research have yielded a product in the form of an Android-based fertilizer ordering application, which will be utilized by farmers in the Bangkala Region, Jeneponto Regency. The system was tested using the ISO 25010 standard across four aspects: functional suitability, portability, usability, and performance efficiency. Functional suitability testing indicates that this application is "suitable" for use. Portability testing revealed that this fertilizer ordering application system runs well on several versions of Android. The usability testing results of the application have been categorized as "Very Good". Furthermore, performance efficiency testing shows that the CPU usage is at 4%, memory usage at 156.4 Mb, and the application network activity is at 80 Kb/s. Based on this data, the application has been well-received by users and can serve as a streamlined platform for ordering fertilizers for farmers.</p> Lutvi Karimah Lutvi Fathahillah Fathahillah Udin Sidik Sidin Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 72 81 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.1826 DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC ADVISING INFORMATION SYSTEM APPLICATIONS AT MAKASSAR STATE UNIVERSITY USING THE ANDROID PLATFORM <p style="text-align: justify;">Advising is the process where students communicate about issues that may arise during their study period. However, it is often hindered by the busy schedules and different timetables between students and their academic advisors. Therefore, a system has been developed to facilitate the advising process using the Android platform. This research adopts the Research and Development (R&amp;D) methodology, specifically using the waterfall development model. Data collection techniques include interviews and questionnaires. The application is tested based on the ISO/IEC 25010 quality standards, covering four aspects: functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, and portability. The functional suitability testing involved two expert professors, and 24 features were tested, indicating that the application is "Suitable" for use. Portability testing on the application was conducted by observing the output on three Android versions: Nougat, Red Velvet Cake, and Tiramisu. The results showed that the application can run on all three Android versions. Performance efficiency testing utilized the Android Profiler tool to assess CPU, memory, and network usage while running the application. The findings revealed that CPU usage was less than 50%, memory allocation was 122.2 MB, and network usage was less than 48 KB/s. Usability testing conducted by students resulted in a test score of 81.6%, categorized as "Very Good" feasibility.</p> Muhammad Rais B Muhammad Agung Alimuddin Sa’ban Miru Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 1 2 82 91 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.1682 PROTOTYPE SMART PARKING AT STMIK AKBA BASED ON MICROCONTROLLER USING RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION (RFID) TECHNOLOGY <p>This study aims to design a prototype smart parking using a microcontroller is expected to provide convenience for parking lot users at STMIK AKBA, making it easier for drivers to find out the availability of parking slots and where the location of the empty slots is in a parking lot and at the same time test the performance of the prototype using RFID. The results of this study indicate that using this system can provide information to parking users quickly and effectively. The results of the implementation of this system can run well based on the results of system testing in its use which get the results of the system's feasibility test with the average time for access takes 3 seconds and the average time for access to exit takes 6 seconds with a suitable category for use.</p> Hilda Ashari Andi M. Yusuf Dyah Vitalocca Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 1 2 92 96 10.59562/jeeni.v1i2.2213