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Peer Review Process
Publication of articles in Journal of informatics and Computer Engineering Education (JICEE) The process of critical evaluation of manuscripts submitted by authors before they can be published in our journal is fundamental to ensuring quality. Within our system, each submitted manuscript undergoes a series of evaluations by reviewers who are experts in fields relevant to the subject of the manuscript.
This process is designed to ensure that every published article meets the highest scientific standards, including research originality, methodological accuracy, relevance to scientific developments, and contributions to the field of study. The submitted manuscript is assessed based on several key aspects, such as:
OriginalityWhether the research represents a new contribution or offers a unique approach to an existing topic.
MethodologyWhether the methods used in the research are accurate, valid, and reliable for achieving the desired results.
RelevanceThe importance and relevance of the research to the latest developments in the related scientific field.
Reviewers advise the editor, who is responsible for the final decision to accept or reject the article. The Editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board. Editor’s decision is final.
The peer review process in OJS can be conducted using various models, including single-blind review (where the author’s identity is known to the reviewer but not vice versa), double-blind review (where the identities of both the author and reviewer are concealed from each other), or open review (where the identities of both the author and reviewer are disclosed). After the evaluation, the reviewer provides recommendations, which may include acceptance without revisions, acceptance with revisions, or rejection of the manuscript. Throughout this process, authors and reviewers can communicate via the JICEE to discuss feedback and make necessary revisions. The goal of this process is to ensure that only the highest-quality articles are published, enabling our journal to serve as a reliable and high-quality source of information for the academic and professional community.