Analisis Kelong Sisila-Sila dalam Syair Pakkiok Bunting di Desa Songkolo Kabupaten Gowa (Kajian Hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur)


  • Illang Illang Universitas Negeri Makassar


Kelong Sisila-sila, Pakkiok Bunting, Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics


This research aims to reveal  stages of meaning of kelong Sisila-sila in the poetry of Pakkiok Bunting, Songkolo Village, Gowa Regency. by using Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutical theory. Hermeneutics is an important element in understanding or providing meaning from a text. This theory uses three stages, namely objective meaning, reflective meaning and existential meaning. The method was designed using qualitative descriptive analysis research. The data is sourced from the kelong sisila-sila in the pakkiok bunting poem, Songkolo Village, Gowa Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out using interviews, reading and listening, taking notes and documentation. The results of the research show that the analysis of the kelong Sisila-sila in the pakkiok bunting poetry of Songkolo Village, Gowa Regency found 28 quotes on stages of objective, reflective and existential meaning. . In this meaning it contains advice or pap put toriolo which is useful for the people who listen. Kelong Sisila-sila in the poem Pakkiok Bunting is believed by the Songkolo people to be oral literature which reflects that Makassar culture must be respected, especially for the younger generation in developing Makassar literature


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