Author Guidelines
- The length of the manuscript submitted must be between 3000 and 5000 words (including tables, pictures, and references).
- The manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere.
- Manuscripts will be checked to avoid plagiarism.
- The manuscript is presented in the following components:
Title: Maximum 20 words, Century Gothic '12', Bold, written in bold.
Name of Author's: Typed below the title in Times New Roman font, size 10, without title, and may not be abbreviated. Under the author's name, write field of expertise or department, name of institution, and country of origin in Times New Roman font, size 10. Corresponding authors must write an email in the section below the author's name.
Abstract: Typed in one paragraph, no more than 250 words. The abstract emphasizes the problems solved, the methods used, and the results obtained. Avoid using abbreviations except for common ones, references, and mathematical or statistical equations. [Typed in Times New Roman font, size 9, single spaced, normal].
Keywords: Used to index articles and label articles. A maximum of five keywords separated by commas, typed in double space under the abstract size [Times New Roman font, size 9, single spaced, normal].
Introduction: Typed in capital letters [Time New Roman font, size 10, normal]. Fill in the introduction of the context and importance of the research area, problem statement, relevant research results (state of the art), GAP analysis (research problem), details of the research problem, and solution to the problem [Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].
Materials and Methods: Describes the research approach used, object, variable, or research focus, research location, population, sample, or informants, instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. The order of writing the method is adjusted to the type of research [Times New Roman font, size 10, normal]
Result: Research results present research results as they are or are honest; representative results represent findings and lead to discussion; they contain tables, graphs, and diagrams that are given explanations so readers can easily understand. Results are written following the method. The discussion section is separate from the results, so the discussion does not repeat the results. [Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].
Discussion: The discussion describes the phenomena obtained from research results, connecting them with relevant reference sources. The discussion contains the following: what is the meaning of research? The basic assumptions are whether the research results strengthen the results of previous research, improve them, or even contradict them. If the findings are contradictory, then the author must convince the reader that these findings are better than the existing [Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].
Conclusion and recommendation for the future: A summary of the research problems, objectives, and solutions offered; the final conclusion includes research contributions to the field of science as a whole (current). Suggestions for further research are things that other researchers can do to improve your research. Do not repeat research results, make them abstract, or present them very flatly [Times New Roman font, size 10, normal].
References: It contains reference sources for at least 80% of the literature published in the last 5 years. References must refer to the IEEE publication manual. All sources listed in the references must be in the article script using reference applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, and EndNote.
- Manuscripts must be typed in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF format using Times New Roman, size 10, single spaced, on A4 paper.
- If the paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to pay an article publication fee.
- People who are interested in buying Journal Media Elektrik Journal to print can contact journal management.
- All manuscripts must be submitted online through the Online Submission menu. Ensure that the manuscript submitted for peer review is in the form of a blind review.