Jurnal Media Elektrik http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik <p><strong>Jurnal Media Elektrik</strong> merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang dikelola dengan proses peer review dengan p-ISSN: <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1180426675&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">1907-1728</a> dan e-ISSN:<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1576805922&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> 2721-9100</a>. <strong>Jurnal Media Elektrik</strong> diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar. <strong>Jurnal Media Elektrik</strong> menerbitkan naskah hasil penelitian dan review literatur dalam bidang <strong>Teknik Eektro,</strong> <strong>Teknik</strong> I<strong>nformatika dan Komputer, dan Kontrol</strong></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Media Elektrik</strong> terbit <strong>tiga kali</strong> setahun, yaitu: <strong>April, Agustus</strong> dan <strong>Desember</strong>, terbit secara open acces. Penulis yang ingin mengirimkan artikelnya dimulai dengan melakukan registrasi online di website dan menyesuaikan artikel dengan panduan dan template jurnal ini.</p> Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektro en-US Jurnal Media Elektrik 1907-1728 WATER QUALITY MONITORING SYSTEM IN SHRIMP POND USING MICROCONTROLLER http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5725 <p style="text-align: justify;">The study aimed to monitor air quality seen from the aspects of pH, temperature, and turbidity levels in shrimp ponds to increase the production of shrimp farmers. The study used Research and Development (R&amp;D) method with a prototype development model. The subjects in this study were shrimp farmers in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. It produced a prototype of an Internet Of Things (IoT)-based air quality monitoring tool that used a pH sensor, temperature sensor, turbidity sensor as an air quality detector. This product used an Esp32 microcontroller as a storage for air quality monitoring data and the Blynk application as a real-time information sender. The results of the functionality test showed that the tool was very feasible to use (100%) and the usability test by respondents showed that the tool developed was very good.</p> al Imran Imran Abdul Muis Mappalotteng M. Arwan Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 22 1 1 6 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5725 DEVELOPMENT OF A SMART KOS METER PROTOTYPE FOR RECORDING ELECTRICITY AND WATER BILLS BASED ON IoT http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5756 <p>This research is a development research that aims to: (1) produce prototypes in the form of hardware and software smart kos meter tools for recording electricity and water bills based on IoT and (2) to find out the results of hardware functionality testing, application testing and testing the effectiveness of the smart cost meter prototype tool. IoT-based electricity and water bill logger. The research used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) which is useful for improving and producing a product. The development model used in this research is a prototype development model. The development procedure consists of 4 steps, namely Requirements Analysis, Building a prototype, Coding the System, Testing and Evaluating the System. The results of this study are an analysis of the results of the hardware functionality test with the percentage seen being 100%, the application test results getting a percentage of 100% and the results of testing the performance of the tool by measuring the overall effectiveness of the sensor readings is 93%. Suggestions for further development is that this tool can make more accurate measurements so that the effectiveness of the tool is better, it can be done using two microcontrollers so that the sensor reading program can run well. Then use a digital sensor with more complete measurement data so that sensor accuracy and product effectiveness can be achieved.</p> Hilda Ashari Dyah Vitalocca Hamidah Hamris Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-10 2024-12-10 22 1 7 11 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5756 IDENTIFICATION WATER LEVEL MONITORING SYSTEM AND PERSON DETECTION IN BATHROOM USING IOT CONNET APPLICATION http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5940 <p style="text-align: justify;">This Uncontrolled and excessive use of water can lead to the scarcity of clean water supplies, considering that the world's fresh water supply is only about 3%. An example of uncontrolled water use is when a tap user forgets to close the tap so this causes water waste. Therefore, a tool is needed that can solve these problems. This research aims to develop an IoT-based system that is able to monitor water levels and detect the presence of a person in the bathroom automatically to reduce water waste and increase user comfort. The system utilizes HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors to measure the water level in the bathtub and PIR sensors to detect motion as an indicator of the presence of people. The data from the sensors is processed by the ESP32 microcontroller and forwarded to the IoT Connect application, which allows users to monitor the water volume and presence in the bathroom in real-time. The system also features a solenoid valve that automatically opens and closes the water flow according to the data from the sensor, as well as an LED as a visual indicator. Test results show that the system is able to accurately monitor water levels and detect the presence of a person, as well as provide automatic control of water flow to prevent wastage. With the integration of the IoT Connect app, the system offers a practical and innovative solution for bathroom water management.</p> Muliadi Muliadi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-10 2024-12-10 22 1 12 18 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5940 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF FACENET PYTORCH AND KERAS FACENET METHODS FOR MULTI FACE RECOGNITION http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5899 <p>Face recognition has become an important technology in various applications, but challenges arise when multiple faces must be recognized simultaneously in a single image or video frame. This study develops a multi-face recognition system using the Multi-Task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network (MTCNN) method for face detection, Pytorch Facenet and Keras Facenet for recognition, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classification. Using a dataset of 1000 images from 10 classes, this study compares the performance of Pytorch Facenet and Keras Facenet in terms of speed, memory usage, and accuracy. The results show that Pytorch Facenet is faster with an average of 0.15 seconds per image compared to Keras Facenet which requires 0.86 seconds per image, and is more efficient in memory usage with 384.19 MB lower. However, Pytorch Facenet uses 3% more CPU. In addition, in terms of accuracy, Pytorch Facenet shows a more stable and consistent confidence score. In conclusion, Pytorch Facenet proves to be more efficient and reliable for multi-face recognition, although it requires further CPU optimization for more optimal use in real application scenarios.</p> Dedy Fitriady Fitriady Samsuryadi Samsuryadi Anggina Primanita Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 22 1 19 27 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5899 APPLICATION OF XCEPTION ARCHITECTURE FOR DEEP LEARNING-BASED FINGERPRINT RECOGNITION http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5964 <p>This study proposes a convolutional neural network (CNN) method with an xception architecture model that is used to classify the types of fingerprint image patterns. The data used in this study uses data taken directly using a scanning tool made using FPM 10 A sensors and Arduino Uno. The dataset consists of five types of fingerprint image patterns, namely arch, ulnar loop, whorl, radial loop and twinted loop with a total of 1000 data. The research started from data collection, pre-processing, CNN architecture design, model training and evaluation. The application of the xception architecture shows the best performance with high test accuracy values, stable and consistent. The test scenario of this study is to compare different epoch values, namely 10.30 and 50 and use two learning rates, namely 0.0001 and 0.001. The best test results were obtained at epoch 30 with a learning rate of 0.0001, which was 92% and 93% at epoch 50 with a learning rate of 0.001.</p> Agus Andreansyah Julian Supardi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-20 2024-12-20 22 1 28 35 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5964 AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM: AUTOMATIC WHEELCHAIR WITH INTUITIF SENSOR ELECTRONIC WHEEL DRIVE WITH ELECTROMYOGRAM DETECTION AND NAVIGATION http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5986 <p>This research aims to address the needs of individuals with tetraplegia, with the expectation that it can contribute to the development of automatic control systems and provide insights for the fields of healthcare and education. The control system in the wheelchair reads muscle contractions via electrodes attached to the muscles. These electrodes serve as muscle sensors. The muscle sensor data, often referred to as EMG, is 10-bit. The EMG sensor in the wheelchair shows that the wheelchair's movement is detected as moving forward when the data value generated by the EMG sensor reaches the minimum threshold of 589. The wheelchair moves forward when the Y-axis value is positive and moves backward when the Y-axis value is negative. The wheelchair will turn right or left when the X-axis value is positive or negative, respectively. Thus, when the X value is 20 and the Y value is 20, the wheelchair will move forward and turn right. The data collected by the IMU sensor can be wirelessly transmitted to an IoT (Internet of Things)-based system. This data can then be monitored through a browser on a laptop or PC, as well as through a smartphone.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ST. Khaeratul Mukarramah Ariani Amri Muh. Abdillah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-21 2024-12-21 22 1 36 42 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5986 AUGMENTED REALITY MOBILE APPLICATION AS AN ANIMAL INTRODUCTION LEARNING MEDIA FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS WITH MENTALLY DISABLED http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/6201 <p>Mental disability is a disorder in mental development that is usually characterized by a level of intelligence that is below the average of normal children, so mentally disabled children require a different learning approach because of their unique characteristics. The disability rate statistics for children aged 5-19 years is 3.3%. Meanwhile, the total population at that age (2021) is 66.6 million. Data from the Ministry of Education and Culture as of August 2021 states that the number of students attending SLB or inclusion schools is 269,398 children. The obstacle complained about by teachers in providing learning for children with special needs (with mentally disabled) is that teachers have difficulty delivering learning material because children with special needs find it difficult to understand what the teacher is conveying so they need help using effective and efficient learning media, for example learning media that uses augmented reality technology. This research aims to design a mobile-based application as a learning medium for animal recognition for mentally disabled students using augmented reality technology. This research method uses research and development research. The results of the research are an augmented reality application called ARAnimal which can visualize pets from two-dimensional images into 3D objects, besides that it can also provide a description of the animal's physical characteristics using audio. There is a quiz feature in the form of completing animal names and pairing animal names with types of pets or wild animals. With this application, student learning becomes interactive and interesting and helps teachers in delivering animal introduction material.</p> Nanny Raras Setyoningrum Hendi Setiawan Danandjaya Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-25 2024-12-25 22 1 43 50 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.6201 SIMULATION OF ON GRID SOLAR POWER PLANT POTENTIAL AT PT. HALMAHERA JAYA FERONIKEL EMPLOYEES HOUSING http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/4528 <p style="text-align: justify;">Simulation of On Grid Solar Power Plant Potential at PT. Halmahera Jaya Feronikel Employee Housing , Ilham Adam. In today's era of globalization, the need for electrical energy sources is a major factor in life. Various routine activities carried out by humans every day are not far from electronic goods, making electricity a basic need. The need for electricity also plays a very important role in industry and mining such as at the PT. Halmahera Jaya Feronikel mess which consumes quite high electrical energy, which is around 255 kWh/day, besides that in the PT. Halmahera Jaya Feronikel employee mess area has a mess roof that can be used to make solar power generators and the location of the employee mess is quite strategic because it is free from tall buildings that can cause shadows or shading. The results of the on-grid solar power plant simulation using 98 solar panels with a capacity of 550 Wp and 7 inverters with a capacity of 10 kW, the effective energy that can be generated in this solar power plant based on PVsyst software is 82303 kWh/year with an initial investment value of Rp. 792,040,000 and operational and maintenance costs for 20 years which is the project life of Rp. 438,408,000, with a payback period of 7.9 years and a net present value of Rp. 1,205,963,279 and can be said to be feasible because the NPV value is more than 0 which means that this solar power plant does not experience losses, and the Benefit cost ratio value obtained is 2.57 and can be said to be feasible because the results of the BCR are more than 1 which are obtained from the results obtained with the costs incurred.</p> Asmawaty Azis Kurniawan Harun Rasyid Ilham Adam Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 22 1 51 56 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.4528 IMPLEMENTATION OF LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION FOR PREDICTING FORWARD MOVEMENT OF AN AUTOMATED WHEELCHAIR http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/4672 <p>Penelitian ini memanfaatkan data gerak yang direkam untuk memperkirakan gerakan maju kursi roda otomatis menggunakan teknik interpolasi Lagrange. Metode ini dipilih karena kapasitasnya untuk menghasilkan perkiraan yang tepat tanpa kompleksitas komputasi yang umumnya terkait dengan metode interpolasi diferensial terpisah seperti interpolasi Newton. Studi ini melibatkan pengukuran jarak lurus, jarak lateral, dan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk setiap percobaan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa teknik interpolasi Lagrange menghasilkan perkiraan yang akurat pada titik evaluasi penting. Pada x=5000, interpolasi Lagrange memprediksi -5,43269 × 1015 dengan kesalahan 0,26665, sedangkan pada x=10000, prediksinya adalah -7,83405 × 1018 dengan kesalahan 0,78549. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa interpolasi Lagrange adalah metode yang efektif untuk memodelkan pergerakan kursi roda otomatis menggunakan data yang tersedia. Namun, perhitungan kompleks yang terlibat memerlukan manajemen distribusi data yang cermat dan peningkatan metode untuk mengatasi keterbatasan ini di masa depan. Studi ini berkontribusi pada pengembangan teknologi yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup individu dengan kebutuhan mobilitas khusus. Hal ini diharapkan dapat memacu pengembangan sistem prediksi yang lebih canggih dan efisien untuk aplikasi kursi roda otomatis.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Teknik interpolasi Lagrange, Gerakan kursi roda otomatis, Prediksi Gerakan, Kebutuhan mobilitas khusus</p> martati Ariyen Duri' Lapu Tombi Layuk Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 22 1 57 64 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.4672 WORK SAFETY PROTECTION SYSTEM BASED ON ARDUINO UNO http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/3686 <p>This research aims to develop an effective and reliable work safety protection system based on Arduino Uno. The system is designed to detect hazards in the workplace, such as suspicious movements that may cause accidents for industrial workers. Arduino Uno is used as the brain of the system, and sensors connected to the microcontroller serve as input devices that detect actions not in accordance with safety procedures. When the sensors detect a hazard, Arduino Uno will activate an alarm and automatically take the necessary control actions. This research involves programming the Arduino Uno, selecting the appropriate sensors, hardware integration, and thorough system testing. The developed system is expected to enhance workplace safety and provide better protection for workers. System testing is conducted using a simulated work environment that depicts different hazard scenarios. The test results show that the Arduino Uno-based work safety protection system functions as expected. The installed sensors accurately detect hazards such as excessive temperature, fire, toxic gases, excessive vibrations, and unwanted movements in the work area. Arduino Uno receives signals from these sensors and quickly responds by activating alarms and taking appropriate protective actions. Interpretation of the test results indicates that the developed system can effectively help identify potential hazards and provide the necessary protection for workers in the manufacturing industry</p> Hermansyah Hermansyah Muhammad Aqdar Fitrah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 22 1 65 70 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.3686 DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR 3-PHASE ELECTRIC MOTOR MALFUNCTION DETECTION BASED ON LORA http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/6195 <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aimed to develop an early warning system for detecting malfunctions in three-phase electric motors using a LoRa-based microcontroller. Three-phase electric motors are vital components in industry, and their failure can cause significant downtime and financial losses. This system was designed to improve operational reliability and efficiency through remote monitoring and early detection of potential failures. Various sensors, including current, voltage, temperature, and RPM sensors, was installed on the motor to monitor its operational conditions. The collected data was sent via the LoRa network to the processing unit for further analysis and early warning. The study used Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach with a prototyping development model, which included gathering requirements, designing, prototyping, and evaluating the system. Each stage was designed to ensure that the developed system can meet the expected operational and functional needs. It is expected that this system can prevent greater damage, reduce maintenance costs, and increase overall industrial productivity.</p> Abdul Muis Mappalotteng Muhammad Yusuf Mappeasse Muhammad Irfan Dewi Triantini Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2025-01-02 2025-01-02 22 1 71 75 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.6195 OPTIMIZING CROSSFLOW TURBINE BLADES FOR POWER ENHANCEMENT AT PICO HYDRO POWER PLANT (PLTPH) USING ANSYS FLUENT http://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/mediaelektrik/article/view/5731 <p>Renewable energy has become an important solution in dealing with the problem of climate change and resource scarcity. This study aims to analyze the effect of variations in the number of Crossflow turbine blades on output power at the Pico Hydro Power Plant (PLTPH). PLTPH is a water-based power plant with less than 5 kW of power, ideal for remote areas. Simulations were performed using SolidWorks software for turbine geometry design, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and ANSYS Fluent for fluid flow simulation. The simulation results show that the number of spoons and the speed of the water flow have a significant impact on the power produced. The optimal configuration is found on a 20-blade turbine that produces a maximum power of 4,695 Watts at a flow rate of 6 m/s. These findings can guide the efficient design of Crossflow turbines for PLTPH applications in remote areas.</p> Yosi Apriani Herlinda Herlinda Zulkiffli saleh Wiwin Oktaviani Anwar Ian Mochamad Sofian Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Media Elektrik 2025-01-03 2025-01-03 22 1 76 82 10.59562/metrik.v22i1.5731