About the Journal
Publikasi Pendidikan : Jurnal Pemikiran, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan (ISSN 2088-2092 Print, ISSN 2548-6721 Online) published an article in the form of the results of thought, research and community service education. The focus and scope of the published article is about basic education or elementary school related to the theory and practice of teaching and learning, curriculum development, learning materials, learning model, learning methods and instructional media. Publish 3 times in one year, in the last week of February, June and October.
Publikasi Pendidikan : Jurnal Pemikiran, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan in collaboration with the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association (Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia /HDPGSDI), currently in the SINTA 3 list. We are also indexed in Google Scholar, Crossref, OneSearch (Perpusnas), Garuda and others.