V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine <p>V-MACHINE; Vocational and Machines Community Service Journal: Community Service Journal which is managed and published by the Applied Undergraduate Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University (PTM FT UNM) is a peer-reviewed journal which contains scientific articles from various scientific disciplines adopted from results of community service activities.</p> <p>This journal publication aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas as well as research results that have been achieved in the field of community service.</p> <p>V-Machine specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of community service sciences which are then packaged in the form of articles published as a result of Community Service activities. V-Machine accepts manuscripts or articles. Service in scientific fields such as Social, Technical, Education, Learning, Technology and Vocational Affairs which are relevant include: (1) Community Service, Community, Local Food Security; (2) Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design; (3) Community Empowerment, Social Access; (4) Student Community Service; (5) Border Areas, Disadvantaged Areas; (6) Education for Sustainable Development. V-Machine Journal is published twice in May and November every year.</p> en-US muadz@unm.ac.id (Andi Muadz Palerangi) muadz@unm.ac.id (Andi Muadz Palerangi) Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Pelatihan Las Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) Bagi Siswa SMK https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2590 <p><em>There are still many students at SMKN 5 Bulukumba who do not understand TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding technology. Even as vocational school students, they have a high desire to get to know the latest technology, especially in the field of welding engineering. This is because at SMKN Bulukumba there is not much TIG welding equipment available, besides the cost of operating this equipment is higher compared to electric arc welding (SMAW). Therefore, with this service in the form of TIG welding technique training for students at SMKN 5 Bulukumba, South Sulawesi province, it is hoped that it can provide knowledge and skills in the field of welding techniques and can provide them with the opportunity to increase their competency in the field of welding. The location for community service is carried out at SMKN 5 Bulukumba, Bontoharu Village, Rilau Ale District, Bulukumba Regency. The aims of the service are: to help students and teachers gain knowledge and skills, especially in the field of TIG welding techniques, to help realize students' desires to improve their competence in the world of work to be able to compete with graduates from other vocational schools, and to be able to apply good TIG welding techniques.</em></p> Djuanda Djuanda, Fiskia Rera Baharuddin, Baso Riadi Husda, Hamza Nur, Ismail Aqsa Copyright (c) 2024 V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2590 Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Penerapan Video Animasi Berbasis Ms. Power Point Bagi Siswa Madrasah Aliyah di Kabupaten Gowa https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2591 <p><em>The targets this training are (1) Students are able to change their mindset and easily understand all material explanations and practices demonstrated. (2) To understand simple techniques for making animated video media designs which are trained to MTS/MA Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya District students. Gowa via the Ms. Office Power Point. (3) To create interesting and interactive animated video designs through the Ms. Office Power Point. (4) There is a change in students' knowledge and thinking patterns with the application of different learning media. (5) Students are motivated to learn through the application of animated video learning media through the Ms. application. Office Power Point. (6) To interested in following subjects taught with new learning media designs based on animated videos. The approach method used is carrying out the implementation of Ms. Office Power Point for Mts/Ma Mahammadiyah Teachers in Kab. Gowa. To be more focused, the approach methods used are lecture, question and answer, discussion and demonstration. The output produced in the training on creating and implementing animated video learning media using the Ms. application. Microsoft Office Power Point is a learning media design product and increases the knowledge of MTS/MA Muhammadiyah Cambajawaya students through mentoring so that students' mindsets become more modern. With this training it is hoped that it can improve abilities, interests and learning outcomes students in applying animated video learning media.</em></p> A. Ramli Rasyid, Baso Riadi Husda, Ady Rukma, Hamzah Nur, Sudarmanto Jayanegara Copyright (c) 2024 V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2591 Tue, 28 May 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Strategi Pengurangan Emisi Karbon Melalui Reboisasi di Lingkungan Sekolah untuk Mendukung SDGs dalam Mengatasi Perubahan Iklim https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2814 <p><em>The Teaching Campus Program is one of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) programs in the form of teaching assistance to empower students in assisting with the learning process in elementary schools in various villages/cities, one of which is PGRI Middle School on Salemo Island, Liukang Tupabbiring Utara District, Pangkajene Islands Regency. , South Sulawesi Province. The Community Service Program carried out at PGRI Salemo Island Middle School is one of the work programs of the 6th generation teaching campus students. This activity includes planting trees around the school environment, and cleaning up the school environment. This program aims to increase students' awareness about how important it is to preserve nature and how big its impact is on the surrounding environment. In this research, the method used is a qualitative method, so as a result of this research, the researcher made direct observations at the implementation location in coordination with the school, and also the campus student field supervisor taught 6 about Community Service activities at PGRI Middle School on Salemo Island, then carried out the activities. planting tree seeds in the school environment which is carried out by working together between students at the teaching campus and also the school. This program also aims to achieve point 13 of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), namely Handling Climate Change, to take immediate action in fighting&nbsp;climate&nbsp;change.</em></p> Muhzin Z, Ismail Aqsa, Iswahyudi, Achmad Romadin, Andi Muh Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2814 Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Meningkatkan Minat Baca dan Literasi Melalui Pojok Baca di SMP PGRI Pulau Salemo https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2815 <p><em>The teaching campus is part of MBKM which provides opportunities for students to learn to become teacher partners and help with literacy and numeracy learning at assigned schools, one of which is PGRI Salemo Island Middle School, Liukang Tupabbiring Utara District, Pangkajene Islands Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The literacy program carried out at PGRI Salemo Island Middle School is one of the work programs of student activities. This program includes activities such as creating a reading corner, book reading, creative writing, book discussions and other literacy activities. This research used a qualitative method by conducting direct observations at the implementation location in coordination with the school, as well as field supervisors for students. The results of the observations found that students needed school facilities to be used as reading facilities. Therefore, to overcome this problem through the Teaching Campus program, it is done by creating a reading corner in the classroom which is hoped to build a culture of student literacy.</em></p> Rusli Ismail, Ady Rukma, Aminuddin, Muhammad Hasim, Muh Yusuf Aldifari Copyright (c) 2024 V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2815 Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800 Pelatihan Media Presentasi Berbasis Online Focusky https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2890 <p><em>Students majoring in Mechanical Engineering Education as prospective educators are not yet familiar with Focusky online-based presentation media, even from initial observations there are students who are not yet proficient in operating computers. This problem is a basic reference for the need to carry out Focusky Online-based presentation media training in making presentations as a teacher so that they are interesting and not boring. Competencies of Mechanical Engineering Education students are prepared as teaching staff at the vocational school level. The curriculum structure contains courses on learning media and learning technology, so that this training becomes a trigger or socialization of the use of Focusky online-based presentation media, mastery of how to make presentations with Focusky. The aim of this training is mastery of adequate basic knowledge about online-based presentation media Focusky, increasing knowledge about online-based presentation media that is open source, </em><em>Based on the results that have been achieved<strong>, </strong></em><em>then it can be concluded as follows:</em><em>secara u</em><em>Mum partners in this IBM activity can master the training material, both theoretical knowledge about the theory of using Focusky Online-based presentation media and skills in making presentations with Focusky.</em><em>Training participants can </em><em>make a good and interesting Focusky Online-based presentation. The participants' participation and enthusiasm for this activity is very positive, as can be seen from their seriousness in following the training carried out.</em></p> Ady Rukma, Djuanda, Muhzin Z, Samnur, Badaruddin Anwar Copyright (c) 2024 V-MACHINE: Vocational and Mechanical Community Service Journal https://journal.unm.ac.id/index.php/v-machine/article/view/2890 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0800