Plagiarism Statement

Intentional or not, plagiarism is a severe offense. Plagiarism is copying ideas, text, data, and other creative works (e.g., tables, images, and graphics) and presenting them as original research without proper quotations.

If there is a section of the text sent by the author found tracing and without the attributes or source of the very massive writing, the author may be subject to sanctions, or the text may need to be corrected or withdrawn. The editor conducts a comprehensive text screening to minimize plagiarism and the peer review process that produces high-quality articles.

All articles published by the Journal have been examined with software tools (Turnitin and iThenticate or PlagScan) to prevent such unethical practices.  Journal only accepts plagiarism of less than <20% similarity, and single-source matches are not >5% without reference in a manuscript.