Deindividuation in Student Organization Cadre Building


  • Muhammad Iqbal Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Ahmad Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia


Deindividuation, Group Norms, Orientation, Student Organizations


Orientation is something that is often encountered during college. Antinormative and negative behaviors that arise in orientation can have a negative impact on the parties involved, so it is important to know the causes and solutions. This study aims to reveal the role of deindividuation and group norms in influencing student behavior when conducting orientation, including antinormative behavior. The research method used is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The data collection technique used in this study was through interviews conducted to respondents who met the criteria. The respondents of this study consisted of three people, namely E, S, A, and T. The results showed that the influence of tradition and group norms made orientation a suitable place for the emergence of deindividuation. The factors that encourage the emergence of deindividuation are the presence of a sense of anonymity, both internal and external, in the orientation implementers, the influence of group norms on the implementation of orientation, and the reduced sense of accountability and responsibility of the orientation implementers on the consequences of their behavior. The results of this study can be a source of information in optimizing and improving the orientation system of student organizations and making policies that can reduce the emergence of antinormative behavior in the orientation of student organizations.


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